Why should I be a peer mentor?

Introducing new students to the AUA campus community is a major responsibility; you are fostering a sense of commitment among incoming freshmen. 

How many hours in total will this take up of my time?

20 hours in total over the fall semester.

This program will help you develop communication and leadership skills.  It will give you the opportunity to enhance your decision-making processes as well as learn how to handle conflict.

Where will the peer mentoring service be carried out?

Most of the service will be carried out on campus unless a Peer Mentor decides to take his/her team off-campus for the monthly event. 

Can I quit mid-semester?

No – if you know or anticipate that you cannot fully commit for the entire semester, then we ask that you do not apply for this program.

Do I need to participate in the training sessions?

Yes – this is a mandatory component.

Do I need to attend the New Student Orientation Program from beginning to end?

Yes – this is a mandatory component.

If my application is missing a document, can I submit it late?

No – only completed applications will be reviewed.

Do I need to attend the university-wide events with my team?

Yes – all activities must be done together.