AUA Student Organization Constitution Template


Student Organization Constitution Template


Article I-Name of club 


Article II – Club Purpose

Section I. Briefly describe the purpose and main activities of your club.

Section II. How does your club benefit the AUA community?  


Article III – Membership

Section I. Describe who is eligible for membership. a. Only currently registered students may be active members in a recognized student club. b. Only active members may vote or hold office.  


Article IV – Officers/Executive Body/Elections

Section I. Traditional Approach 1. List the club officers by title (e.g., President) or define the leadership structure if another system is used (e.g., spokesperson by consensus).  You must minimally list a President and Treasurer or their equivalent. 2. The duties of the club officers shall be (see samples below) a. President: Serves as the official representative of the club. Convenes and chairs club meetings. Sets club meeting agendas. May propose and vote upon all club matters. b. Vice President: Assists club president with all club matters. May propose and vote upon all club matters. c. Treasurer: Handles all financial club matters including but not limited to: collecting receipts, and keeping an accurate budget for the club of the organization. May propose and vote upon all club matters. d. Secretary: Records and distributes the minutes of all club meetings. May propose and vote upon all club matters.

Section II. Nonhierarchical Approach: Collective Model 1. The Collective shall assign the following tasks to members of the Collective on a year-to-year basis: a. Coordination of the Club’s funding and finances b. Coordination of advertising the Club’s events. c. Coordination of the Club’s list serve. d. Coordination of the Club’s website. e. Organization of the Club’s physical resources and equipment. f. Act as a liaison between the Student Services Coordinator g. Facilitation and minute-taking at Collective meetings shall rotate between members of the Collective. 2. The duty of organizing club events shall be assigned to a Collective member on a case-by-case basis.

Section III. Nonhierarchical Approach: Autonomous body 1. Each member is self-sufficient and chooses to take on a responsibility. 2. No one particular person speaks for the body unless appointed to do so by all members. 3. Decision-making is by consensus and vote. 4. Mutuality unifies the body to achieve a common bond or shared vision.  This vision does not imply the shared approach to execution or implementation. Section IV. Nomination Process 1. Describe the process by which: a. Traditional – your officers will be elected. b. Nonhierarchical – your members will be selected. 2. Include what time of year will selection occur – stipulate the term of office; by semester, by year, etc. 3. Outline the process in which officers may be removed or replaced.  


Article V – Meetings

Section I. Define how often, when, run by whom, how announced? Clubs must use AUA email addresses for all correspondence.

Section II. Will there be a call for special emergency meetings? How will you notify people of emergency meetings?

Section III. Define how quorum is determined for the club.  State the exact minimum number or % of members who must be present at a meeting, in order to conduct business.  


Article VI – Constitutional Amendments

Section I. An amendment may be initiated by any member of the club and passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Section II. Describe the process in which all active members will be notified of the amendment and date when vote will take place.

Section III. All constitutional amendments, additions or deletions must be filed with Student Services Coordinator within one week of adoption.


Article VII – Dissolution

Section I. Should the need to dissolve the club, outline the process in which dissolution of the club will be decide and the required majority of votes needed to dissolve the group.